Everything you will read below is strictly off-limits on the Chobots.net website. If you happen to break any of these rules, your Chobot avatar may be either warned by an agent or moderator, temporarily chat banned, chat banned for life, or permanently banned in total:
-Advertising - Although it is not minded by the Chobots.net staff if you advertise sites about chobots.net, but please refrain from sending messages about other websites.
-Begging for items - As you know, there are games all over the Cho-island, so please keep yourself away from asking anyone on the staff to give you items/bugs/rain/anything of the sorts.
-Asking for the agent badge - To become an agent is a great responsibility to have. Nonetheless, it's a great goal to have, for sure! So, please respect the moderators in not asking them to make you an agent, and let them see how well prepared you are to become an agent for yourself :) It saves grief for not only yourself, if they reject you for asking about it, but saves grief for them; I know that if it was up to the staff, they'd make everyone an agent. But it wouldn't be a proper site if they did that.
-Profanity - Inappropriate language will not be allowed at all on the site. Think of saying profanity words like this: If you wouldn't say it in front of your parents, your relatives, your school-teachers, or your preacher/priest, don't say it on the site, please.
-Dating - This game is pointed towards the ages of 4-16, having it be a family game, so please keep the dating for real life.
-Personal Information - Your safety and your personal life is the staff's top concern, so please keep the personal things, such as your e-mail address, your phone number, and definately your address, to yourself. The staff would never ask you for anything past your email, so if anyone asks to give them your phone number or address, simply say no.
-Twitter - Since Twitter is new to Chobots.net, the Staff wishes if you have a Twitter to integrate it into your account. But as you do so, make sure to not use the Twitter feature as a promotional/advertising advantage! As well as this, please keep everything on your timeline appropriate. \
Thank you for taking the time to read this :)
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