Saturday, October 26, 2013

New Agents! :O + Sweet Battle Results!

Ayy guys! Camera here with some exciting news!
5 new agents have been announced today, and I'm sure you guys will warmly welcome them on the game:
Yosheh! (MAH MAIN BRO!)

Good job you guys!!! :) Make us all proud! :D

And now on another note, some contest results have been posted...

I dont usually post pics off the blog on here, but this one is hilarious. JIMPICKENSSSS

Sweetz (mah main qurl) blazed through this contest with a first place time, gaining a 1st place medal, 5k bugs, and 5 days of citizenship.

Godlight (this is like the 4th contest he's won this month woah dude!) got 2nd place, getting a 2nd place medal, 4k bugs, and 4 days of citizenship.

And finally, Epiceagle2714 finished in 3rd, winning themselves a 3rd place medal, 3k, and 3 days of citizenship.

Anyway, that's all the time I have today. Talk to you guys later! ;)

Saturday, October 19, 2013

We Need A New Author!!

Hey guys, Camera here! :)

Theufo has left our blog recently, so I guess that means that we have a space open for a new author!!

To join our blog, just answer the following questions in the comment section below!

What is your Chobot name?
What is  your Chobot age?
How experienced are you with Blogger?
What is your Chobot blog?
How often can you post on this blog?
Can you give a link to an example of a post of yours?

Answer these following questions, and the ones that impress us the most will be our newest author! Good luck to you all! We will pick someone in about 2-3 weeks, shortly after Halloween! 

Have a nice day! :)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

New Room?

Hey guys, Camera here!

If you have been online today, you would have noticed all the new features added into the game for Halloween!

But also, if you have been in the Academy, you would've noticed you can't escape!
Why? Because the way you came in leads to a new room, called the "Chlos Lab", blocks your way from escaping!!

Grace sent me the picture. Thanks!!
So yeah, there's not a whole lot in the room you can do at the moment, but I expect something to come out of this room by Halloween, so be ready!

And for you non-citizen's who cant get in, well.....

That's all the time I have for today! I'm out!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

New Agent!! :D + Interview

Hey guys, Camera here!

Just a few minutes ago--about 10 or 20, I would guess--a new agent was chosen, and if you asked me, this has been long-due! This new agent has the kindest personality, one of the most awesome people to hang around, and just a fun person to be with, not to mention helpful.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you....


I've known her for so long, I'm finally glad the Team saw her as agent-worthy! :P

After all the commotion of her becoming an agent, I sat down with her for a little while to ask her a few questions :)

camera: Hey Ludiee, how did you feel when you became an agent?
ludiee: I was so happy like wow. I honestly wasn't expecting it.
camera: When, or how, did you find out about Chobots?
ludiee: I found out about Chobots when I was on a blog for another game called Club Penguin back in the middle of 2009. Since then, I've loved the game ever since!
camera: When you began the game, did you ever expect to get as far as you have now?
ludiee: Definitely not. I thought it would be something I would do in my free time, but now I've grown to it so much and I have so many friends!
camera: What do you see in the future of Chobots?
ludiee: I see the amount of players expanding by a large amount, and I see awesome new parties and features!
camera: Sounds promising to me! How did you come up with your username "ludiee"?
ludiee: Lol I was sick with a nasty cough and I had a bag of cough drops, and they were called "Ludens" and I made it girlie.
camera: That's more creative than my username! At what moment, unless a moderator informed you, did you find out that you became an agent?
ludiee: I was on skype on my iPod, and Paris and Mike skyped me, saying congratulations and I got on and I was like "wow". lol.
camera: Awesome! Final question--what's your favorite agent item so far?
ludiee: Hmm, I really like the agent cap because it looks super swaggie.
camera: Alright, thanks for the time, Juliet!
ludiee: You welcome.

Yeah kind of a lengthy interview :3 Oh well. I hope you enjoyed this post, and if you did, make sure to leave a comment below! :) Have a nice day you guys!


Friday, October 4, 2013

General Update + Palm Painting Contest!

Hi guys! It's camera here!
I believe I owe you guys an explanation to where we have been the past month. Life has caught up to us, and we would like to apologize for not giving out 100% on here this past time. However, we have come up with an idea that we will soon announce that we hope will change all of this for the better ;]

Anywho, onto the news!!

There's a palm painting (paintball) contest going on right now! Check out the "deets" below (omg im so cool)
omg i can edit pictures #pro

It ends tomorrow at 8 PM EST (Which is equiv. to 0:00 cho time, which is when the contest ends), so if you are gonna enter, now's the time~! 

Have fun guys!! :)