Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Agent/Council Poll and Contest Winners! :D

Ayy guys! Camera here! :)

Lot of new stuff since the last post we made--and all of them awesome! :D

Okay, firstly, agent reccommendations went up this past week, and the top 6 has been announced (not to mention the #1 most reccommended who immediately got agency--thomas. Nice job bro!). Here are 6 most reccommended by the fellow community:

  • Bacachoo
  • Eathan (WOO NICE JOB BRO!)
  • Theufo 
  • Twirl
  • Chalk (YOU ROCK CHALKY!)
  • Camera (I was so shocked and very grateful to see this. Thank you guys so much who reccommended me, and if I get agency from this experience, I promise I won't let you guys down! Thank you again SOOOO much! <3)
If you would like to vote for which person YOU think deserves the spot(s) of agency right here. :D Good luck to all my fellow competitors. May the odds be ever in your favor. :B

{TRANSITION PICTURE :D} and yes i spelled agents wrong on purpose rofl.

We also had a contest for the best TV show-type deals on the game. Interesting idea for a contest using .gifs by the way to the winners! You can check out the winner's entries through here.

Grats to ToastyTim, Rosey2000, and Alexa! You definitely deserve your prizes, and keep making more in the future!(:
it would be cool if we could turn it on (hint hint cho team lolz)

And finally, Council voting has started! If you would like to vote, click on the little picture of Yosheh at the bottom left corner, or visit this link here! (I put a lot of links in this post haha). Vote again for who you think deserves it! :) (go eathan and yosheh! :D)

And thats about it guys! Thanks for reading, and again, good luck to all on the agents and council poll, and I'll see ya later ;) (P.S. Thank you guys again for putting me on the poll! This means the world to me, and I appreicate it so much! Thanks guys!!! xP)

~Camera xP~

Friday, July 26, 2013

Clothes and Anime Party

Yooo everybody!!!!!
Ok sorry I'm late on this but we got some new clothes that I just need to talk about!!!

I would like to specifically talk about the PUNK shirt (omg) and the Chopix wings.
Let's talk about the PUNK shirt first. THEY CAPITALIZED "PUNK"!!! WHY????? But its okay, I've heard of more ridiculous names for shirts.

And now onto the Wings of Chopix. Let's pray for that one poor guy who bid a million bugs on those on the market. This is just a huge punch in the face to him. And to make it worse, they're on sale too!!!!!

thank u drytoby and faisala for being my stars
Moving on the last minute Anime party was yesterday. Look everyone I took one picture then forgot to take more lol!!!

And for all the people who missed the party - it's okay, it didn't rain much. Just a bunch of Ethan and severed Chobot head flags (that I'll never wear), cheap clothes, magic, and FRIKKIN FLAME WINGS!!!!!

Well, that's all folks.

Love ya,

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Journalists and Agents


Anyways hi!! We have some good news and some bad news! Lets start with the good news because it involves this beautiful blog winning for journalism!!

July Journalists:

Master720's Chobot's Blog
BlueZoroGirl13's Blog
Vasa12345's Blog
Eathan's Blog
Luna's Cho-Updates
Theufo's Chobot's Blog
Thomas' The Chobots Galaxy
Mike's Chobots Experts
KingKevin's Chobots Kingdom

Good job to everyone!! Kinda!!

Next, here is our bad news. Well, in my eyes I think its bad news, but to everyone else its that WONDERFUL time of the year where everyone starts being nice all a sudden and treats agents and mods like they're superstars or something. Yes! Its agent recommendation!!

You can recommend up to 2 people and you can recommend by clicking here. No cheating or else you will lose your chance of becoming an agent. Good luck to everyone that DESERVES it!

Stay great. 
-Two (Idonotlikepeach MY USERNAME IS A LIE)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Updates - July 15th-20th

Yooo everybody!!
So the team has recently come off hiatus and decided to throw a bunch of updates in our faces. Let's see what we've got this week.

Forum Update!

Hi everyone what's crackalackin!!! Jk who says that anymore

There are a lot of updates to the Chobots Forum!! First, the theme has changed.

The forum has turned grey and bland. Its kinda depressing looking tbh but thats what Chobots is about anyways!! 

Second, you can now "like" each others posts and threads! 

I like this cause whenever I get "likes" on social networking site such as Facebook and Instagram, I feel good about myself!! I feel like people from school actually care about me or think I'm funny. Lol whatever. 

Third, you can also put a "status update". Tell people stuff about your life, how you feel, something you copy and pasted off of Tumblr! You know, the usual! 

Just remember to NOT post something inappropriate. If you do, 99% of the time, people overreact! Be careful kids!! 

Fourth, you can now tag people into your posts and threads. This is almost exactly like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and all the other social networking sites you can name!!! I think its pretty helpful though.


Sorry I had to use Jake for an example. 

Fifth, (WOW THESE ARE A LOT OF UPDATES) there has been a "Help" page added to the forums. 

Mostly questions are answered here, I think. Idk, do you really need help anyways???


The Forum rules have been updated. They added the usual false reporting and hacking rules. The Chobots team just keep adding and adding onto the list of rules, aren't they? Too bad they don't have a racism rule for the game lol.


I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't read this whole post. I wouldn't read it either tbh. But anyways, have a great day! 

-Two (Idonotlikepeach)

Friday, July 19, 2013

Space Racing Contest! :)

Hi guys! It's camera!
Yeah, I know you are thinking where I've been the past 2 days. Either that, or you didn't care enough to notice... :c
Well, unfortunately, I was banned. Turns out, a friend of mine hacked onto my account (bff's xD) and banned me. I have no idea what he said, but whatever, I'm back! XD

Anyway, there's a space racing contest ending tomorrow, and if you want to enter, now is the time! :o

this was the best picture i could make on short notice ok?
So yeah guys, idk if its too late to enter or not, but if you really are determined, you might be able to get in the top 5? 

Ahaha I'm kidding guys. 
Stay safe, have fun, [insert other type of sappy stuff here]! Cya~!


Sunday, July 14, 2013

The most important PSA you will ever see

Okay, YouTube isnt letting me put up videos on here, so you can access the video through here.

:3 ~Camera~


Saturday, July 13, 2013

Shop Update 7/12

Sup everyone?
We've got some new clothes for July!!!!

And they're really cute!!! Especially the bow dress. On another note,  shout out to the people who actually bid like 20k on C-hats on the market. You poor souls must want a refund.  Praying for you xoxo

Barffles <3333

Friday, July 12, 2013

Time for more Journalists!

Hi guys, Camera here! 

The Chobots Team want more Journalists, and this is all you have to do!
1. Make sure your blog is at LEAST one month old.
2. Your blog should be updated weekly, with various things.
3. Anything you and your authors posts should come from YOU, not copy + pasted off a random website.
4. Your blog should have an awesome design to it: template, banner, header and all.

The awesome perks you will receive include:

-Your blog will be featured on the main blog, and on top of the Play page.
- A journalist badge on your playercard!
-1 free week of citizenship + an exclusive feather item
-Purple nametag
-You can send PM's to moderators, even if they are blocked.
-You can write 1 post on the Main Blog.

That's about it! Good luck! :)
~Camera :P~

Pets Weekend!

Hi guys! Camera here, and it's time to celebrate something that, frankly, doesn't get a lot of recognition on the game: PETS!

All of our pets, if owner permits, will undergo 3 particular events:

1: Best Looking Pet Contest - Similar to a pet show, I guess, we simply take a picture of your pet and put it on the Main Post on the blog under the main post on the blog, which you can get to from here.

2: "My Pet and I" Contest - Draw a picture or a small video of your pet and you playing around on the game, talking, etc!

3: Citizen's Pet Party - Citizens everywhere! Bring your pets to the party on July 13th, at 8 PM Cho Time, to the Citizens HQ! YOU WONT REGRET IT!

See ya online! :D ~Camera~

Monday, July 8, 2013

Game Night Winners! :D

Yup. It was that time again. Time for the winners of Game Night to be announced! :O

On Saturday, for about an hour and a half, our goal was to get to the top of the scoreboard in the contests available on the game.

Here are the winners:
  •     Sweet Battle - Juanifer
  •     Asteroid - Beam
  •     Cho-board - Timnils
  •     Pinball - Lucas
  •     Mechanical Crab - Sherman
  •     Robofactory - Golfwang
  •     Space Racing - Walborn
  •     Garbage Collector - Camera
  •     Farming - Arthas
  •     Rope Pull - Wehbi98
  •     Coin Rain - Luna
  •     Palm Painting - Yosheh
  •     Checkers - Destrotant
  •     Chess - Paloma
  •     Sliders - Elthomii
  •     Nicho Racer - Theadoreme
  •     Chopix Quest - Bacachoo
Grats you guys!! :D

All of these winners *including me somehow O_o* got 7 days of citizenship, 10,000 bugs, and a game controller :P

So, to sum up this whole post, it was definately worth playing garbage collect for 10 minutes and win 1st place. ^_^ Cya online!

-Camera (moosikmerkkur25) (whatever else you call me)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Summer Drawing Contest!

Hey guys! La09 here and guess what? We're having a drawing contest! It can be anything you want! You can do it on the Chobot graffiti walls or on paper, ect. You have until July 12 to submit you entries. All entries can be posted on the post entitled "Chobots at the Beach" in the comment section or click the link right here:

Have fun!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

My Virtual Week in Pictures

Hello everybody!!
Today has been quite an interesting week for me, so I've decided to go ahead and share what's been up lately.

Friday, July 5, 2013

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Hiii everyone! How was your 4th of July? Did you do anything fun like go to parades, see the fireworks with friends or family, had a bbq, or sat on the computer all day and waiting for chobots to get back up?


So last week, I was pretty bored. I decided to look at all my pictures I had saved that were chobots and transformice related. I remembered all the fun times we had on chobots.com and how we all moved to transformice once chobots got shut downed. I decided to make a video of all the pictures I had saved. I even added some recent pics from chobots.net just so the video could take up the whole song LOL

(Sorry it won't let me embed it)

I have made so many funny and amazing memories on those games. Meeting most of you and becoming apart of my life is just fantastic. I've even been friends with some of you for almost 5 years now! I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who has been a friend of mine. Thank you for creating great memories that I look back to and laugh about. :')

-Two (Idonotlikepeach)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

4th of July party!!

Hi guys, Camera here! :P

So, we all know it's that time of year again...the time where a certain event comes around...

You know, where we all eat watermelon, hamburgers and hot dogs with the family, shoot fireworks, celebrate our ancestors....anyone know?....anyone....woooooow.

Okay, that obviously was lame. Well, tomorrow is the 4TH OF JULY PARTY!!!

Tomorrow, at 20:00 (8 PM) Cho Time, at Rockemall Street, the party will commence!! :)

There will be magic, rain, contests, you name it! Epic, right? With all this epicosity (is that a word? lol) occuring, make sure to be with your families tomorrow as well! That's what the season is all about ;)

To add to all of this, the Cho Team has added more items to the shop--all of them non-citizen and perfect for the season! :D

My personal favorite is the flag. Yeah, lame right? I have pretty much each flag on the game, so what would you expect from a flag collector...I still need the Zoo flag and diamond flag...(shameless shoutout to anyone willing to market or trade any of those items ;])

Well, that's about it! :) Bye!
~Camera :3~

UPDATE: Due to technical issues, the party has been postponed to tomorrow at 8 PM Cho Time! Try your best to be there! :)

Monday, July 1, 2013

Game Night Winners

Hey guys! Author la09 here, and I'm here to inform you that game night has ended and here are the winners! :)

Asteroids: Destrotant
Choboard: Link88
Mechanical Crab: Waash17
Pinball: Roboter1999
Robot Factory: Rage
Space Racer: Rock4ever20
Garbage Collector: Vasa12345
Cow Mission: Arthas
Tug 'O War: Hanicka
Coins Rain: Helperkelsey
Palm Painting: Barkleschnoff
Checkers: Master720
Chess: Sals1
Sliders: Furry
Chobots Racer: Cryaotic
Chopix Quest: Wolfyy

The winners of the contests get a great prize! Prize: 6000 bugs, 10 days of citizenship, and Chobot game controller! :D Here's a picture of what there prize looks like!
